Services Overview
An overview of our suite of email management services that offers the broadest range of best-of-breed messaging services to help organizations increase the performance, reliability, security and control of their existing messaging system, while reducing costs.
FrontBridge Anti-Spam is a managed service that deploys multiple layers of technology to protect businesses from receiving unsolicited email.
FrontBridge Anti-Virus managed service that protects businesses from receiving email-borne viruses and other malicious code.
Message Archive
FrontBridge Message Archive is an advanced message archiving and compliance system for email and instant messages (IM).
Active Message Continuity
FrontBridge AMC is our always-on, email continuity and disaster recovery service that protects and guarantees access to email for a business and its employees.
Secure Email
FrontBridge Secure Email is a convenient, easy-to-use email encryption service that safely delivers your confidential business communications.
Policy Enforcement
FrontBridge Policy Enforcement is a managed messaging service that ensures inbound and outbound corporate messaging complies with company policies and other regulations.
Directory Services
FrontBridge Directory Services is a multi-functional service that improves message handling and routing for inbound message traffic through user grouping, intelligent email routing, and selective message receipt.
The Growing Importance of Email Continuity by Osterman Research for Microsoft.
Email must remain continually available because business must remain continually available. This white paper examines the issues surrounding continuous email availability and discusses a solution to address the need to make email available on a 24x7 basis.
FrontBridge Email Protection Services
FrontBridge offers fully managed services that provide email protection and message management to enterprises worldwide. By deploying multiple layers of technology between the Internet and corporate networks, FrontBridge manages the inbound and outbound flow of email passing through mail gateways, guarding networks and corporate email systems against attacks by viruses, spam, and other malicious content.
The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on Data Retention by Osterman Research
This white paper discusses some of the key provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley, the advantages and disadvantages of key data retention strategies and the approach that FrontBridge Technologies takes in helping organizations comply with Sarbanes-Oxley.
Critical Decision Factors for Messaging Management by Osterman Research
Discover how business trends in compliance, security and business continuity are altering the messaging landscape. Read how companies failing to address messaging convergence expose their organizations to significant risk.
Email and IM Archiving: Proven Strategies for the Enterprise
This white paper explores business drivers and regulatory needs for archiving all electronic messages. Discover how to implement an effective archiving solution.
FrontBridge Secure Email: Technology Overview
This white paper describes how groundbreaking new technology, Identity Based Encryption (IBE), enables ubiquitous secure business communication, without the shortcomings of methods such as PKI
Enterprise Message Security: In-House vs. Fully-Managed Solutions
This white paper examines the building blocks required for implementing an effective enterprise message security solution and focuses on evaluating strengths and weaknesses associated with the two approaches companies can use to reach that goal.
RSM Equico
Global Investment Bank Builds Email Compliance Program on FrontBridge Email Archiving Technology
Adorno & Yoss
Adorno & Yoss Put Clients First by Maintaining Compliance and Streamlining Business Continuity Efforts with FrontBridge
Bio-Tek Instruments
Bio-Tek Instruments Advances in the Elimination of Spam and Virus Technology through Discovery of FrontBridge Filtering Services
Sentinel Benefits
Sentinel Benefits Capitalizes on an Additional Benefit with FrontBridge Message Archive Services and Filtering for Constant Compliance and No Spam
Brecek and Young
Find out how Brecek and Young Investment Advisors satisfied messaging compliance criteria in a comprehensive NASD audit.
Roth Capital Partners
Roth Capital Partners adopts FrontBridge security, compliance and continuity services to simplify message management, comply with regulations and increase employee productivity.
Jelly Belly
FrontBridge TrueProtect™ Managed Services Eliminate Spam and Minimize Storage Bandwidth Consumption for the Jelly Belly Candy Co.
Louisville Slugger
Louisville Slugger's spam problem had them ready to quit the e-mail game, but the FrontBridge managed e-mail filtering service helped the company turn things around. Find out how Louisville Slugger knocked spam and viruses out of its network with the FrontBridge TrueProtect Email Security Service.
Mellon Ventures
Financial services firm has no problems with a network outage with the FrontBridge Disaster Recovery Service.
Services Overview (.wmv)
Filtering (.wmv)
Message Archive (.wmv)