As a leading provider of enterprise-class email protection and secure
messaging services, FrontBridge receives regular coverage in the press.
Following are links to recent articles about FrontBridge and trends in
email security and message management.
FrontBridge Earns #2 Spot in Deliotte's Fast 50 Ranking of Fastest-Growing Technology Companies
September 14, 2005
Computer Business Review: FrontBridge offers ID-based encryption service
June 20, 2005
Information Week: New FrontBridge Offering Includes Automated E-Mail Encryption
June 20, 2005
eWeek: Sun Debuts Compliance Offering
June 20, 2005
Network World: E-mail security vendors look beyond spam
June 20, 2005
European Reseller: The Outsourced Message Management Opportunity
June 6, 2005
Equant Press Release: Equant Messaging Protection Suite Secures More Than 200,000 Global Users from Growing E-mail Risk
June 7, 2005
Equant Press Release: Stride Rite Extends Outsourcing Partnership with Equant; Messaging Protection Service Cuts Spam by 70 percent
June 7, 2005
Information Week: AT&T Rolls Out Beefed Up Managed Security Services
June 1, 2005
Network World: AT&T expands security offerings
June 1, 2005
Enterprise Security Today: Attack of the Computer Zombies
June 1, 2005
Bob's Guide: SOBER.S infected PCs turn spambots, FrontBridge Technologies advises
May 10, 2005
SearchSecurity.com: Security Bytes: Cisco break-in was part of a larger attack
May 10, 2005
SOX Compliance Journal: The Best Defense is Being Proactive About Email Retention
May 10, 2005
eWeek: New Sober Worm Planting Fields of Spambots
May 9, 2005
Information Week: April Brings Spam And Virus Deluge
May 5, 2005
SC Magazine: Virus and spam continues evil rise
May 2005
SC Magazine: The best defense for email retention
May 3, 2005
Compliance Pipeline: Strategic Options: Offloading The E-mail Burden
April 29, 2005
ComputerWeekly.com: Blue chip companies sign up for managed e-mail services
March 18, 2005
NetworkComputing.com: Desktop Defense – Take Back the Desktop
March 17, 2005
Washington Times: The Web: The battle for privacy online
March 16, 2005
Wall Street Journal: Corporations keep a closer eye on office e-mail
March 10, 2005
MessagingPipeline.com: FrontBridge Launches Specialized E-Mail Services Package For Law Firms
March 8, 2005
IT Week: System guarantees always-on email
February 28, 2005
EnterpriseStorageForum.com: Sarbanes-Oxley: Driving the Storage Compliance Boom
February 25, 2005
Messaging Pipeline: FrontBridge Offers Enhanced E-Mail Continuity And Recovery System
February 22, 2005
Network World Fusion: Vendors strengthen messaging security
February 14, 2005
Messaging Pipeline: FrontBridge Now Offers Comprehensive Package Of Messaging Services
February 7, 2005
Deal.com: You've got e-mail consolidation (.pdf)
February 4, 2005
eWeek: School District Takes Hands-Off Approach to Fighting Spam
November 29, 2004
European Reseller: Inbox Security
November 14, 2004
CBS MarketWatch: Blogs push news sites to open up: Hurricanes credited for less spam
October 20, 2004
ClickZ: The Deadly Duo - Spam and Viruses
October 19, 2004
Health-IT World: One Way to Manage HIPAA
October 19, 2004
Messaging Pipleline: FrontBridge Enters Into Major International OEM Agreements
October 18, 2004
Messaging Pipeline: FrontBridge Hits A Home Run At Louisville Slugger
October 8, 2004
PC Pro: LINX gangs up on spammers
October 1, 2004
PC Pro supplement: Spam: mind your business (2)
October 1, 2004
PC Pro supplement: Spam: mind your business (1)
October 1, 2004
Network Magazine: Secure E-Mail and Public Key Cryptography: Together At Last?
October 1, 2004
Infosecurity Today: Turning the worm
October 1, 2004
Messaging Pipeline: Why Outsourcing E-Mail Archiving Makes Sense
September 20, 2004
SC Magazine: Spam volumes reach record-breaking 90 per cent
Week of September 13, 2004
Computerworld: Back-to-school, politics spur spam to new heights
September 10, 2004
Techworld: Spam gets worse but filtering gets cheaper
September 8, 2004
USA Today: Are hackers using your PC to spew spam and steal?
September 8, 2004
Techworld: Spam Wars part 2: A New Hope
September 7, 2004
Microscope: FrontBridge outlines plans to expand European reseller base
September 6, 2004
IT Week: Service safeguards email
September 6, 2004
Computer Reseller News: FrontBridge looks for messaging resellers
September 6, 2004
ComputerWeekly.com: Veritas moves into e-mail archiving market
September 2, 2004
Business Continuity Online: Email archiving and retrieval becomes the biggest compliance issue
September 2, 2004
SC Magazine: FrontBridge acquires email archiving company
August 30, 2004
CRN: Broadening Services Portfolio: FrontBridge Preps Email, Messaging Managed Services
August 30, 2004
InfoWorld: FrontBridge Buys MessageRite
August 30, 2004
InfoWorld: Tightening the Grip on Messaging Security
August 30, 2004
eWeek: Spam Blockers Tackle Broader Content-Security Issues
August 30, 2004
Information Week: FrontBridge Acquires Message-Archiving Company
August 30, 2004
Network World: FrontBridge Service Secures Email
August 30, 2004
ComputerWire - Computer Business Review: FrontBridge Buys to Get Into Email Compliance
August 30, 2004
ComputerWorld: FrontBridge Buys MessageRite for Undisclosed Amount
August 30, 2004
SoCalTech: FrontBridge Acquires MessageRite
August 30, 2004
Network World: FrontBridge Buys MessageRite
August 30, 2004
Newsfactor Network: FrontBridge Acquires MessageRite
August 30, 2004
Byte and Switch: Spam Blocker Chomps Email Archiver
August 30, 2004
E-Commerce Times: FrontBridge Acquires MessageRite for Message Archiving
August 30, 2004
Host Review: Email Security Leader FrontBridge Acquires MessageRite Inc.
August 30, 2004
VentureWire: FrontBridge Acquires Email, IM Archiving Services Co. MessageRite
August 30, 2004
Network World: Companies should outsource their e-mail security
August 23, 2004
Daily Breeze: Slicing the spam: Marina del Rey firm kills unwanted e-mail
August 23, 2004
Oaklandtribune.com: Bay Area businesses fight against spam
August 16, 2004
SC Magazine: July was a boom month for email viruses
August 15, 2004
Computerwire: Broad Microsoft-Led Move Pushes Sender ID
August 12, 2004
SC Magazine: CERT's advice does little to hurt IE
August 12, 2004
Wall Street Journal: FrontBridge Raises $10 Million
August 3, 2004
The Deal: DealFlow
August 3, 2004
LA Business Journal: Ex-Wilshire Associates Banker Forms New Consulting Practice
August 3, 2004
The Deal: FrontBridge gets $10M
August 2, 2004
Private Equity Week: Anti-Spammer Raises $10M
August 2, 2004
VentureWire: FrontBridge Gets $10M Series D For Expansion And Acquisitions
August 2, 2004
Network World: False Positives
July 26, 2004
SearchNetworking.com: The case for outsourcing e-mail security
July 22, 2004
USA Today: Anti-spam industry consolidating
July 20, 2004
ITsecurity.com: FrontBridge Business Email Statistics Reveal Newest Threats to the Enterprise
July 19, 2004
SecurityPark.co.uk: Practical tips on how to decrease Spam volume
July 19, 2004
IS Opportunities: Distribution expansion through OEM agreement
July 16, 2004
InternetWeek.com: FrontBridge Reports New Bagle Variant On The Loose
July 16, 2004
LA Times: Searching for Ways to Fight Junk E-Mail
July 15, 2004
ITsecurity.com: Symantec's second antispam acquisition signals seminal shift for email market: functional consolidation will follow
July 14, 2004
Computer Business Review Online: VeriSign Enters Anti-Spam Market
June 28, 2004
CRN: Verisign To Offer E-Mail Security: Solution to fight spam, phishing
June 28, 2004
Information Week: VeriSign Joins The Fight Against Online Fraud
June 28, 2004
Network World: VeriSign announces security, anti-phishing services
June 28, 2004
StockHouse USA: New security offering launched by VeriSign
June 28, 2004
socalTECH.com: FrontBridge, VeriSign in Distribution Agreement
June 28, 2004
InfoWorld: Salvaging e-mail for the enterprise
June 18, 2004
SC Magazine: In search of a better approach to secure e-mail
June 17, 2004
Security Pipeline: FrontBridge Beefs Up Secure Message Management Platforms
June 17, 2004
socalTECH.com: FrontBridge Taps Into Secure Transport
June 17, 2004
eWeek: Mail Security Service Model Marches On
GSN, Government Security News: Gov't security buyers face many choices in battling hackers and spammers
June 6, 2004
Bank Technology News: E-Mail Filters: Banks Building Fences Keep Out the Riff-Raff
June 1, 2004
SearchSecurity.com: Wireless phones bigger target in next two years
May 25, 2004
Computerworld: Winning Ways to Stop Spam
February 27, 2004
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