FrontBridge provides strategic alliance partners with a single source for industry-leading technologies that can be easily integrated into an existing managed services strategy, or can form the foundation for a rapid entry into the managed email security services arena. In addition to its industry recognized and vetted technology, FrontBridge provides OEM partners with the tools to get to market quickly, including network infrastructure development, technical support, customer billing, sales and marketing, and reporting.
FrontBridge has forged alliances with industry leaders in their respective field.
AT&T Secure Email Gateway
AT&T's Secure E-mail Gateway service provides companies with network-based e-mail security and message management. The service helps ensure the integrity of a message before it enters your network by providing a first-line of defense that safely builds a bridge between the Internet and your corporate network. Specifically, AT&T Secure E-mail Gateway service incorporates spam filtering, virus blocking, content management, email policy enforcement, message archiving, and disaster recovery for both inbound and outbound messages, all delivered through a global network of redundant data centers.
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Equant Messaging Protection Suite
In the framework of the Optimize Messaging Solution, the Equant Messaging Protection Suite is delivered in conjunction with FrontBridge. The Equant Messaging Protection Suite (EMPS) is a fully managed and integrated solution that provides a full range of messaging security services without the need for the customer to invest in any dedicated hardware, software or additional network connectivity.
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IBM Messaging Managed Services
In today's connected world, e-mail is undeniably a critical business tool. But behind the convenience looms a real threat to the security of your business, be it small or large. E-mail can carry viruses, spam, pornographic material and other harmful content that can seriously compromise your business's ability to function - impacting employee productivity and, at worst, putting your entire organisation at risk.
IBM Messaging Managed Services for e-mail security and compliance can help you mitigate the risks inherent in e-mail communications, through a comprehensive suite of services that scan and monitor your Internet e-mail before it even reaches your network - giving you confidence that your company's e-mail is free from harmful or damaging content. This suite of IBM Managed Servicse is designed to offer better protection and faster response to emerging threats than can be achieved in-house - at a much lower cost.
NEC Secure Message Protection Suite
Companies have become increasingly dependent on e-mail for their critical communications and can't afford to risk losing important data to malicious attacks, network failure or disaster. NEC, in partnership with FrontBridge, provides managed messaging services that not only filter e-mails for viruses, spam and other malware, but back up corporate e-mails while still allowing users to access and send e-mails, even if their primary e-mail system is unavailable. NEC's messaging services can also help companies fulfill healthcare, financial and legal compliance requirements with regard to electronic records management.
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Sprint Email Protection Service (SEPS)
Sprint offers a comprehensive suite of managed services to safeguard written communications. Services include spam filtering, anti-virus, disaster recovery and policy enforcement. Sprint's latest email protection service, Message Archive, helps companies comply with industry-specific regulations for retaining and monitoring electronic communication, facilitate legal discovery and ensure business continuity with 24×7 access to email and IM.
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TELUS Email Protection
TELUS Email Protection (anti-Spam) Service is a perimeter-based email security and message management service for Canadian businesses developed in partnership with FrontBridge. The service was designed from the ground up to provide the best solution for enterprises. With comprehensive policy management, virus scanning, and spam filtering techniques, TELUS and FrontBridge ensure the integrity of your messaging infrastructure.
Companies gain peace of mind from knowing their email systems are protected from Spam and viruses with superior support from highly trained experts - all at a fixed monthly cost!
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VeriSign Email Security Service
The VeriSign Email Security Service is a highly accurate spam filtering service that automatically processes all email before it reaches the enterprise, and then delivers only legitimate email to network users. The service leverages VeriSign's deep expertise, proven technology, and globally distributed network of operating centers to gather up-to-the-minute data and intelligence about spam and virus attacks, safely quarantine spam outside the enterprise network, and ensure 24x7 availability. Using the fully managed service, enterprises improve productivity and minimize risk caused by spam and virus attacks. VeriSign Email Security Service lowers the total cost of ownership of messaging systems by reducing network bandwidth, storage, and administration costs.
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