Whose Live Anyway? website design, WordPress theme customization, web development
a completely improvised 90-minute show of games, scenes and songs
The Russian National Ballet Theatre website design, WordPress theme customization, web development
founded in 2001, they perform classical Russian ballets
Jeff Wack WordPress theme customization, web development
an illustrator specializing in digital airbrush and digital photography
Simply Mellinda website design, WordPress theme customization, web development
book promotion for autobiographical story
Schomburg Gallery website design and development
20th and 21st Century Art Gallery
Julie's Book Groups
WordPress website design
a leading book group facilitator in los angeles
Cherry Hill Design website design and development
southern california landscape design firm
Praxis website redesign and development
providing modern and contemporary dance instruction in a workshop format
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) website maintenance, production
non-profit raising awareness and money for research for pancreatic cancer
PurpleStride website development (co-developer)
PanCAN walk/run events raising awareness and money for research for pancreatic cancer
Columbia Healthcare Analytics website redesign and development
objective external examination of institutional medical records by trained physician reviewers
Joe Cariati website redesign and development
los angeles designer and glassblower who produces high quality, 100% hand-crafted contemporary glassware
Lone Mountain Cattle website maintenance/updates
Fullblood Wagyu breeding operation located in Golden, New Mexico
Laurel Stutsman Landscape Design website design and development
landscape designer in Malibu, CA
Christophe Bourely website design and development
Santa Barbara artist and art instructor